Welcome to the Neonatal Unit at the Royal Alexandra Hospital in Paisley. We are a level 2 neonatal unit, providing neonatal care for babies born over 28 weeks gestation. We provide a family centred model of care and we aim to empower parents to look after their babies from their first day on the neonatal unit.
We understand and appreciate the worry and concern that you will have if your child has to spend time with us after they are born. However our dedicated team are all here to help and support you during your baby’s stay on the neonatal unit.
Our neonatal unit has 16 cots spread throughout the unit. We also have a family room available within the neonatal unit, allowing parents to have some support caring for their baby prior to going home. You can see a map of the unit here.
We are part of the Scottish Perinatal Network and work closely with all neonatal units across the country to facilitate transfer of babies closer to home as soon as possible. Our neonatal transport team colleagues at ScotSTAR undertake the transfer of babies requiring neonatal care. We have a particularly special relationship with our sister neonatal units across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde in both the Royal Hospital for Children and The Princess Royal Maternity. We work closely with both other units to provide a comprehensive model of neonatal care for all babies born within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.