Preventing and controlling infection in hospitals is very important. Please help us keep everyone safe by following these safety instructions.
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Preventing and controlling infection in hospitals is very important. Please help us keep everyone safe by following these safety instructions.
If you are unsure, please telephone your child’s ward before coming in to see your child.
Germs are invisible and are usually passed from one person to another through direct contact, for example, germs on hands after sneezing and touching another person or germs on your hands after touching a contaminated surface.
Play your part to help prevent the spread of infection by knowing how and when to wash your hands.
You can use alcohol hand gel to clean your hands if soap and water are not available.
Examples of when to clean your hands are (but not limited to):
To help stop the spread of infection we ask all patients, visitors and staff entering or leaving the wards and departments to use the hand hygiene gel (alcohol gel).
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Last reviewed: 12 January 2021
Next review: 15 January 2027