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Patella (kneecap) dislocation, information about

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Patella (kneecap) dislocation is common in children and adolescents. It is usually caused by a twisting injury or direct trauma.

The kneecap normally sits at the front of the knee and glides when you bend or straighten your leg. When the kneecap dislocates, it comes out of the groove and slides to the side of the knee.

This can cause stretching of the soft tissues around the kneecap resulting in pain and swelling.

Our information leaflet for patients and parents tells you what to expect, what to do, and has details of excercises to help.

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Editorial Information

Last reviewed: 22 March 2023

Next review: 30 November 2025

Author(s): RHC Paediatric Physiotherapy Department

Approved By: RHC Paediatric Physiotherapy Department

Document Id: 340586 v1.0